for any data folks out there, I know it’s a bit of day dreaming but what are the opportunities or what would you do to bring your company to the next level if you have unlimited time and resources? (assuming a world with no BAU, ad hocs)
From like a specific data perspective? Also what stage of co?
Yeah, data perspective would be great. The company is late stage, looking to grow more active users and revenue.
You can think of creating a AAERR funnel and come up with different strategies for each part. Two ideas from tech stack, I can think of are to use
a)Cloud ML to start finding the ways to first identify user behavior that leads to them becoming active and then
b) Getting a notification system to bring them back
From the business standpoint, first question should be - What is the end goal with active users and revenue? Is it to grow market share/achieve profitability/capture competitors user base etc
If you just want to grow market share/users - You can use marketing spend to attract users. However, try to calculate LTV and CAC to ensure you are getting “profitable growth”
Thanks a lot @Karan! Super helpful advice…
Happy to help… Anytime!
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