Increasing Monthly Active Users' base: Any Tips?

B2C as background. Would appreciate some advice on how to approach the available possibilities. I would imagine that finding strategies to re-engage with current users will greatly increase the number of Monthly Active Users. But if people aren’t interested, it can be more difficult to get their attention than it would be to simply improve the onboarding process for new users. What do you think, guys? Is it preferable to expand by adding new users or reactivate the present user base in order to increase Monthly Active Users?


I advise you to research MAU. After spending money to acquire new users, you will be faced with this problem once more if you don’t know why your MAU is low.

Despite the fact that I don’t know much about your product, I can still provide some advice. From a tactical perspective, I would,

  1. Analyze MAU by area to determine whether certain regions stand out from the rest.

  2. Sort MAU based on feature utilization. Exist any features that perform better than others.
    a. Before performing this study, you should first categorize which features are core, secondary, and tertiary.
    b. Your major (core) features should both provide the user with core value and generate business value.
    c. This analysis will shed light on elements that are effective versus ineffective.

  3. Analyze your acquisition cohort to determine if you have a leaking bucket.
    a. Say you get 10 users each month but lose 10 each. You would be able to see that you have 10 MoM MAU. Very bad. First, fix the bucket leak.

  4. Break down MAU by usage and distinguish between groups of people (power users) who use the app frequently (daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your natural usage patterns) and others (infrequent vs churned).
    a. Determine the essential characteristics of these devoted customers, such as their identity, the benefits they receive, how they benefit, etc. You can conduct a hypothesis-based experiment (such as concealing other unimportant qualities from them) or qualitative research to determine how the features fit into their way of life.
    b. Find the turning moment where they started using the service actively; it might be user equity they built (e.g., 7 friends on Facebook, health information on IFIT), or they created a process around it that is difficult to remove (e.g. peloton workout at 7am with instructor).

  5. Create an IDP (ideal user profile) using the data you have on power users and the features they use. Then, locate all inactive users and try to identify any IDPs that fit them.
    a. Build a new, lightweight onboarding procedure to test the assertion that once IDPs pass the tipping threshold, there will be value.
    b. Target the IDPs with the right messaging by using reachable material and a channel. Try with varied messaging and offer rewards (or proxies for rewards).

Right now, learning is more important than necessarily tipping the scales in your favor.

I would also add the following to this analysis:

  • What is the natural rhythm of your product? For example, a vitamin doesn’t have a predictable cadence, but a painkiller repeats daily, weekly, or monthly.

    • Why? Your measurements can be measuring the wrong thing if you are unaware of the natural cadence.
  • Who your direct and indirect market competitors (both direct and indirect) are Find them, comprehend their market share, their positioning (in comparison to yours), their users’ pain points, etc.

    • Why: Understanding your rivals will aid you in developing defensive and, in some situations, attacking plays.

Amazing analysis and so beautifully structured reply @MichaelYoffe.

This guy just did your job for you, OP (@CarlosDubois). You should gold the man.


Absolutely agree with @DavidMercy. Don’t have anything else to say other than - “YOU ARE THE MAN!”, @MichaelYoffe, don’t have gold but just gave you the next best thing in my wallet.


No one in this room can advise you on the best course of action because you haven’t really given any context or background on this. Examine the data more thoroughly, ascertain why your MAU is not where you would like it to be, and swiftly verify your theories.


One thing to keep in mind is that if your MAU is low, your engagement is poor, and depending on what your product is supposed to do, that suggests your product isn’t providing value for your users. If so, any newly recruited users are likely to have the same pattern of poor interaction.


I should have posted earlier. The product consists of digital flyers and coupons, picture sleek deals without the user forum. In all honesty, this was intriguing a few years ago, but there are now so many similar things available. They seem to be back in growth mode again after being in maintenance mode for a long without adding many new, truly creative features. In the end, you guys have been VERY helpful with your advice on how to approach the situation, which is what I am looking for. so, I’m grateful.


Because you should already have the contact information of previous users to get in touch with them through your own channels and resuscitate them, net new users are often more “expensive” than existing/old users.

Owned communications channels are free (email, push notifications)

But if money is not an issue, it might be simpler to attract users using sponsored media.


Typically, reengaging existing users is less expensive and simpler than recruiting new ones.

More data is required to properly reengage a user, but the underlying concepts, in my opinion, are the same. It’s simpler to encourage them to reengage if you can use a channel (such as a push notification, a newsletter, or anything else) with great content for that user.

As was already noted, more context is required; you should delve into your data and personas to get a feel of the types of material they are most likely to be interested in.

It’s difficult if it’s user-generated content, but it all depends on the persona, substance, and channel.


To be honest, I believe analytics should never be utilized as the driver but rather as validation because you risk squandering time by boosting meaningless activities. What unresolved issues do consumers have, and which of them will result in more frequent engagement? would be a better query.


You might very easily become lost if all you focus on are the numbers. Improving MAU can have both short- and long-term effects. More significantly, you need to understand the demands and behaviours of your consumers; for instance, if they have a long cycle of consuming, like going to the dentist, hard re-engaging won’t make much of a difference. Study your statistics to determine why people return frequently or not, as well as why some decide to quit or remain, as the MAU is made up of both new and current members. Implement strategies after which test them.


You can re-engage your current user base that has stopped using your services if the customer lifetime value is high and sustained over a long period of time and if the cost of acquiring a new customer is greater than the cost of re-acquiring an existing customer.


I need additional details to respond or add other ideas.

Investigate why mau is low on a high level. Make a note of them, speak with your users, gather more information, and determine what’s wrong. afterwards reverse engineer

Someone previously stated that low MAU indicates little engagement and inadequate value being provided by your product.

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Ideally, you would test both strategies simultaneously and calculate their relative costs. It might go either way depending on the causes of churn or inaction.

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