Does QA fall under Engineering or Product?

Quick question, I would like to learn how you deal with QA in your companies? Does it fall under engineering or product? Or other units? We are a B2B SaaS startup with no dedicated QA resources at this stage and would like to learn from everyone’s experience to be inspired when building our QA unit. Thank you :pray:


I have always seen QA roll into Engineering. I see it as a fairly technical role. Good QA Engineers can be a great source of potential edge cases and breaking points.


+1 on this thread. We have a really small dev team, and just me on the PO side.
Do you guys have dedicated QA resources? And if so, two questions:

  • at what scale does that become viable?
  • Who is responsible for fixing any bugs found? is the QA engineer tasked, or do they “lob it back over the fence” and if so, does that create friction and wasted time in handoffs?

We’re finding it a constant battle to firstly release bug free code, but then if we do find bugs, its a challenge getting them prioritised, and is really slowing down our velocity to get things finished. would love pointers!


Have been in both the situation- with and without QA. I felt that QA roles are pretty redundant in truly agile teams, PMs and Engg teams need to take ownership of releases and testing. Engineers set up regression test for existing features.

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In my company QA is very much part of Engineering. Till very recently we didn’t have a QA engineer on our rolls. But as soon as we hired one, I realized, I should have done that long time ago!

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