What are the best methods in product management compared to the harsh realities?

The best job I’ve ever had was in a large firm and a department other than information technology. Most executives are uninterested in IT and don’t grasp it. when several product lines report to your immediate boss. The PM may also report to the VP of Marketing rather than IT. The executives in certain situations must consider factors besides the product. You therefore get autonomy.

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Please read the following in a sombre tone rather than an angry one. After typing it all out, I experienced significant depression. In order to lift my spirits, I’m going to listen to a podcast.

There is a lot of emphasis on success, such as what the data tells us, whether we are enhancing the product or providing for customers. But is the modern conception of success flawed?

Whether you can satisfy the customer and produce a profitable product is out of your hands. With the people and resources at your disposal, you don’t even know if it’s doable; in fact, you won’t even know if it’s ever possible until a lot of uncontrollable factors come into play.

However, the majority of individuals are fixated on success indicators and solutions. being the product’s CEO and debating another CEO who doesn’t understand the product It’s all just backwards.

Outside of the building, there is reality that also exists; we don’t know it for sure, and the majority of what we do is study about it and try to mimic it as best we can. There is no absolute truth and no surefire way to succeed.

For me, reaching reality as quickly as possible and as closely as feasible in our function constitutes achievement. Success is achieved if we can change our minds after one month of a six-month strategy. Success is achieved even if we only meet 60% of our goal while being on schedule and having the option to quit or carry on because we are confident in our knowledge of the future course of action.

I still adore product management, but I don’t pursue full-time positions because of it. Working inside a company’s politics and contending with individuals who are unable or unwilling to communicate are not something I wish to do. I much prefer coaching teams and product managers who want to listen. 90% of the time in my initial talks with someone, I can tell they want answers and don’t want to learn how to fix their own problems. I understand that is a very personal perspective and does not reflect the experience or position of everyone.

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